News (2020)
October 7-11, 2020
| Health in Aging and Mental Wellness in the new digital era
Heraklion, Crete, Greece
October 7, 2020
| Heraklion, Crete, Greece
May 22, 2020
| Konstantinos Palikaras has been awarded a competitive EMBO Short-Term Fellowship, to pursue postdoctoral studies for three months at the University of Cologne, in Germany!
May 8-12, 2020
| Crete, Greece
Due to the COVID-19 developments, and the potential health risks posed by travels and attending meetings, the EMBO Workshop on Molecular Neurobiology will be postponed to 21-25 May 2021.
March 12, 2020
| Konstantinos Palikaras has been awarded a competitive FEBS Short-Term Fellowship, to pursue postdoctoral studies for three months at the CECAD Research Center, in Cologne, Germany!
January 1, 2020
| The European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme provides funding to the FORTH-led DynAMic FET project.